Kean Music Department (where the 'K' stands for Kwality)
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Why Dirty Mops? is a living tribute to the faculty and students of the Kean University Music Department. It's name derived from the stunning decor outside of the offices nearest the backstage area of Wilkins Theatre.

The concept of began is Spring 2002, but was not officially launched by it's creator, the Anonymous V, until early Spring 2004. So whether you graduated or retired from the Kean Music Department--or flunked out or got fired: everyone has a home at

If you have comments, photos, stories, or audio that you would like to contribute to please e-mail it to .



©Copyright 2006.  All rights reserved. Save your brain--go to Kean.  Designed by 'the Anonymous V'. 'Don't be a Kean in the butt'