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divine adages from Kean's wise Uncle Ted

"And you'll screw it up just as sure as God made little green apples"

"the key of E# Major? We'd better send a fax to Juilliard"

"That sounded like burning chicken feathers under the moonlight"

"I never liked that moveable do 'fi fi fo' crap"

"Your pitch is betwixt and between"

"just memorize your key signatures"

"You haven't quite finished licking your calf yet"

"A good deed never goes unpunished"

"Back when I was studying in France--before the invention of the wheel"

"Don't fall behiiiind"

"that's like putting a band-aid on cancer"

"Well I'm just tickled pink"

"That performance had a gap so big you could fit a 747 through it"

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